Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Backwards Dave

I’ve been meaning to blog about Backwards Dave for a while.

About a month ago he was spending a bit of time chatting to the crew on JJJ. He can phonetically pronounce words backwards.

He doesn’t actually read the words backwards, he reads the word to himself – to see how it sounds – and then pronounces it backwards (as you can see from the clip above).

Unfortunately Sunrise and Fox FM tried to jump on the Backwards Dave bandwagon too. They got it wrong.

Instead of tracking down the cool phonetical genius that is the Australian Backwards Dave – they managed to get a hold of another Backwards Dave. An American guy who holds the world record for the being the quickest to read backwards.

It’s nothing to do with phonetics but with the ability to read backwards.

I don’t know if it was pure coincidence that all three media stations were talking about Backwards Dave between weeks of one another – but all I know is that I wouldn’t put it past ol’ Fox and Sunrise to do some content poaching and actually get it wrong.

Pronouncing words backwards is way cooler than reading backwards.

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